Shall preside over all Club meetings and be accountable for the administration of club business.
Shall carry out the direction and policies established by the Board.
Votes on all Board matters requiring a vote.
All committees, including standing committees, and the Chairpersons thereof, shall be appointed by the President with Executive Board approval.
In the event of vacancies on the Executive Board, the President shall appoint, with Executive Board approval, interim replacement Executive Board Members until official elections can be held.
Responsibility for managing outreaches into the community & is the principal liaison with community partners.
Negotiates contracts with athletic clubs where GOPB plays and manages the affiliate interface with the USA Pickleball Association.

Shall perform all duties of the President in the event of the President’s absence or inability to perform.
Shall Chair the Code of Conduct Violation Investigation Team.

Shall be responsible for two of the Committee Chairpersons. (Example Communications and Ratings)
First Vice-President shall be designated by the Board from the three Vice-Presidents elected by the members.
Shall perform other such duties and responsibilities as may be assigned from time to time by the President.

Shall be responsible for three of the Committee Chairpersons (example Court Operations, Training & Leagues)
Serves on the Code of Conduct Violation Investigation Team.
Shall perform other such duties and responsibilities as may be assigned from time to time by the President.

Shall be responsible for three of the Committee Chairpersons. (Example Promotions, Social Activities & Tournaments)
Serves on the Code of Conduct Violation Investigation Team.
Shall perform other such duties and responsibilities as may be assigned from time to time by the President.

Shall record minutes of Board of Directors meetings.
Keep club records.
Update the history of GOPB & send to webmaster.
Conduct all correspondence relating to the Club’s business.
Furnish whatever reports to other people or organizations as may be required.

Shall receive and deposit all moneys due to the Club.
Pay all obligations that may be incurred by the Club in the regular course of its business.
Shall provide an up-to-date ledger of all financial transactions.
All cash receipts, except for petty cash, shall be deposited in the club account.
All expenditures by the Club or any member on behalf of the Club must be made by check or club credit card unless it comes from petty cash.
Receipts and invoices covering ALL transactions shall be kept by the Treasurer as part of the Club’s financial records.
Provide financial reports as may be required at all meetings of the Board or General Membership.
Consolidates budget request from committee chairs into final annual budget to be presented to the Board.
Manages the money that comes in from the CourtRerserve payments.
Files required taxes for 501(c)(7).

Responsible for keeping track of & increasing membership.
Finds players & monitors to welcome new members at each facility & gives them information about the club. Watches for non-members playing at locations and explains about membership (this is usually done by court monitors & other friendly players who notice a new face) Informational flyer should be posted at venues to take photo of.
Uses Court Reserve for membership management.

Receives a notification by email that a new member has joined.
Goes to member application online to review they have selected correct membership type, makes all corrections to keep uniformity, rotate photos, default club rating to 2.0 unless rating ID numbers are listed for DUPR & tournaments (then research PB rating elsewhere) and accepts their membership
A letter is sent to them about things they will want to know about the club.
Place badge order from X-Cel Badge & Engraving usually weekly (they have payment on file), pickup when ready
Deliver name tags to venues (or may assign this task if not available.

Delivers any collected cash or checks received with records to the Treasurer (post the payment to members account first).
In the case of refund requests from members: 

Review account.
Stop any recurring payment for the account.   
Contact treasurer for processing a refund via SafeSave. 
Once treasurer notifies you that transaction is completed, make all necessary transactions on the Court Reserve member account before archiving account.  The two databases are not networked for any returns (must be done manually).

 Review accounts receivable of lingering overdue accounts; keep updated with inquiring texts, phone calls or emails and offer assistance for phone payments if need.  Record internal notes for tracking purposes for issues or reasons for not renewing. 
Take pictures of those members missing photo ID for directory & upload to club website.

C1. Communications. Responsible for management of all communication channels inside and outside that involve the GOPB.
Social Media (Facebook) https://www.facebook.com/OKCPickleball Monitor pickleball sites for info to post, https://www.google.com/alerts alerts for pickleball digest daily, photos of local play, tournaments & etc. to add tips and other things of interest to OKC pickleball members. Updated frequently if not daily. Post tournament results and pictures on facebook page.
Individual GOPB facebook pages are run by GOPB members. Kickingbird, Yukon, Santa Fe, Norman etc. 
Update Calendar on Website
Club updates by email through CourtReserve.com (administrative access) https://app.courtreserve.com/EmailMembers/Index
Webmaster Update (administrative access)   https://app.courtreserve.com/Online/Portal/Index/10653
The website is one of the primary sources of information that is available to members for club activities and procedures. Gather information from various sources and try to keep it updated. The goal is to have the website be the main information source to members.
Post League results and pictures on website.
Keep Google calendar updated [email protected] password ———
Club Newsletter
Conducts surveys as needed for the club functions.

C2. Court Operations. Responsible for coordinating locations, court times, and types of play by members of the GOPB.
Coordinates playtimes with facilities GOPB is the prime manager. Keeps communication chair updated on closings of the facility for holidays etc. for emails each week. Excludes responsibility for facilities and OKC locations where the GOPB is NOT prime manager of play.
Santa Fe Family Living Center
Kickingbird Pickleball Center
Organization of all member-play may include establishment of differing levels of skill-based play within organized play, establishing hours of and rules for challenge court play, determining and administering ratings systems, determining number and type of sessions at limited-hour venues.
Develop hard copy of court schedule.
Contact with facility on cancellations for holidays & events.
Orders supplies (balls, nets, tape, temporary paint, etc.)
Organization of all member play
Skill level
Round Robin
Challenge court
Shoot Outs

C3.Training. Responsible for all issues involved in the instruction of pickleball, developing player skills and knowledge of rules and court etiquette.
Finds trainers to manage player development.
Train the trainers on proper techniques
Develops instruction & drills for all levels of play.
Teach rules of the game & court etiquette
Coordinate Ball Machine practice, check out & training on how to use machine.

C4. Ratings.  Responsible for maintaining a consistent rating system within GOPB. Ratings help promote competitive balance among members and measure the degree of player development.  
Organize Ratings committee.
GOPB rates players through mydupr.com. DUPR events are scheduled at Santa Fe and Kickingbird. 
DUPR event schedules are published and posted on the GOPB website & CourtReserve.
DUPR ratings are reviewed & updated monthly (first Wed/Thurs) by Rating Committee when needed.
Organized play at Kickingbird and Santa Fe use the Club Rating 
A players highest rating in these 4 rating systems, UTPR, WPR, DUPR or USSP will equal your Club Rating
Use IFP for rating descriptions.}

C5. Leagues. Responsible for establishing assorted league play for GOPB members.
Work with Court Operations Chair on court availability
Decides on types of Round Robins, Shootouts or DUPR events.
Develops notices of events
Send to Communications Chair to send out to membership.
Take pictures of winners and send to webmaster.

C6. Promotions. Responsible for promoting pickleball and the GOPB to the general public in the Greater OKC community.
Make flyers about GOPB.
Write stories and make videos about PB Club.
Keep & display banners when needed for GOPB.
Make up handouts on locations and times of play for all facilities.
Promotional items for club: t-shirts, towels, hats, bags, water bottles, etc.

C7. Social Activities. Responsible for promoting social interaction among club members with various seasonal events.
Plans and implements a variety of events during the year – (minimum of 4) to encourage the social interaction among all club members.
Responsible for providing refreshments & set up for all activities for the GOPB club.
Work with Tournament committee to provide food.
Recruit volunteers to help.
Call members without emails about events and information in emails

C8. Tournament. Responsible for coordinating tournament play in events sponsored by the GOPB & which GOPB’s expertise has been requested.
Responsible coordinating tournament play in events sponsored by the GOPB.
Responsible coordinating tournaments for which GOPB expertise has been requested.
Start Planning Early
Coordinate With Your Club
Gather A Good Team
Coordinate With Your Community
Set Tournament Dates
Online Desk Operations
Desk Brackets
Set Dates/Fees/Events/Brackets
Develop Registration Form and Flyer
USAPA Sanctioning
Player/Spectator Consideration

Whenever possible Code of Conduct violations arise, the First Vice President will obtain written documentation of the event from the court monitor, several witnesses and from the person whose conduct may have violated the club’s Code of Conduct policy, will ask the court monitor on duty when the conduct issue occurred to obtain written documentation of the event from several witnesses and from the person whose conduct may have violated the club’s Code of Conduct policy.
The First Vice President will share the documentation of the event with the other two club Vice Presidents for review.
After reviewing the documentation, if at least two of the Vice Presidents who reviewed the case concurs that a Code of Conduct violation has occurred, the First Vice President will present all supporting documentation and his or her recommendation to the club President.
If the President agrees that a Code of Conduct violation has occurred, the President will issue a Letter of Reprimand to the person whose conduct was inappropriate. This letter will discuss the conduct issue, let our club member know the conduct was inappropriate and that we expect better going forward, and let them know that additional offenses of this nature will result in increased disciplinary action that could include suspensions or removal from the club.
The Letter of Reprimand and the supporting documentation will be forwarded to the club Secretary to retain and the GOPB Board will be notified.
For a second offense the President may suspend or ban the club member from participating in any GOPB organized/scheduled play session for a period of up to 30 days. 
After a third Code of Conduct violation the President may suspend or ban the club member from participating in any GOPB organized/scheduled play session for up to 6 months. 
After a fourth offense the club member will be removed from the club and will be prohibited from re-joining the club for a period of at least 12 months. 
Any member who is suspended may not participate in any scheduled or organized play the club puts on during the suspension. The person may not participate in Open Play, Skill Level Play, a shootout, a round robin, a tournament, or any club social function during the suspension. The letter to the club member communicating any suspension decisions and the supporting documentation will be forwarded to the club Secretary to retain and the GOPB Board will be notified.
The Board also reserves the right to suspend or ban a club member for up to 6 months, remove them from the club, or permanently ban them from the club after either a first, second, or third offense in cases where the conduct is deemed by the Board to be especially egregious.