DUPR is a rating system that helps you track your pickleball progress
and compare your skills with players from around the world.

What’s My Rating?

Understanding your pickleball rating is crucial for finding the right level of competition and improving your game. Your rating helps you match up with players of similar skill levels, ensuring that games are both challenging and enjoyable. Additionally, knowing your rating can help you focus on specific areas of your game that need improvement.

Here are the qualification levels according to the IFP qualifications:

2.0 or NR -
Everyone Starts Here


Convenience and Flexibility

Convenience and Flexibility

Convenience and Flexibility

Convenience and Flexibility

To create your DUPR account, simply
scan one of the QR codes below with
your smartphone. This will direct you to
the appropriate app store to download
the DUPR app.

Gopb dupr q&a

GOPB is growing! However, it has grown so quickly, the ratings committee wants to meet the demand of our 2.0, 2.5, 3.0 & 3.5 recreational players. GOPB has chosen to do this with the DUPR rating system. This rating system will enable members, recreational and competitive, to achieve a rating or validate an existing rating through a system that recognizes their ability when playing games against others.

Dynamic Universal Pickleball Rating. All players, regardless of their age, gender, location, or skill, are rated on the same scale between 2.000-8.000 based on their game results.

Club organizers can create and post game on behalf of their club members. Because these matches are posted through a digital club, they carry twice the weight of self-posted matches. Matches that are added through a digital club do not require player validation.


DUPR is free and everyone can have a rating. GOPB players will have to play at least 15 games (1-11,1-15, or 1-21) before your DUPR rating will be listed as your club rating.  That is if the DUPR rating is higher than your current club rating. If you have played in a Pickleball tournament you may have a DUPR rating and can claim your account on mydupr.com

  • UTPR & WPR update ratings currently the first week of each quarter (Jan, April, July, & Oct).
  • DUPR ratings are downloaded weekly, but GOPB ratings will change monthly on the first Wednesday, if the rating has reached an additional .25 of the whole number (2.25, 2.50, 2.75, 3.00, 3.25, 3.50, 3.75, 4.00 etc.).
  • USSP currently updates every two months. Next one is 3/1/23

Yes, they will go up and down depending on your performance in DUPR and or tournament play.


Your current DUPR Is 4.73.

Your UTPR is 3.5.
Your WPR is 3.5.
Your USSP is No Rating.
Your current club is 3.5

Updated ratings on your Profile page will show the following.

Highest is DUPR, so we make your club rating a 4.50.
Then your actual DUPR rating is posted as 4.7
All the others stay the same.
If your DUPR was showing 4.75 – 4.99 your club rating would be 4.75

We are happy to help any facility learn how to put on a DUPR event. We would ask that facility to actively promote the membership of GOPB to participate in the events. KICKINGBIRD and SANTA FE will be participating.

Yes, if all players in the game(s) agree, and have a DUPR account, this can be done.

  • Games where partners are rated with a difference greater than 1.500
    For example, if a 6.000 rated player partners with a 4.000 rated player, the game would be excluded 
  • Games wherein opponents have a rating difference greater than 1.0
    For example, if two 6.000 rated players play against two 5.000 rated players, the game would also be excluded.
  • Games where neither player/team reaches at least six points are also excluded. If the game is 11-0 the game counts!! One team got above 6 pts.
  • Excluded games will still show up on player profiles but will not be reflected in a player’s DUPR rating.

No, we will be using DUPR and tournament play going forward.

Members will receive a notice through an email from GOPB that a DUPR RR, Shootouts or other events at your skill level will be held on a certain day. Pre-registration may be required on some of these events.

Make sure you read this document regarding when and how the ratings are changed before you address questions or discrepancies to Mary Williams at 405-202-5373.

  • Read the info in this document before you ask questions.
  • Go to mydupr.com Click on the tab at the top “search players” to see if you already have an account to claim. You may have more than one. You will need to have them combined at [email protected].
  • If you have one to claim, click on the “claim account” tab and log into your account.
  • If you don’t have an account to claim, then make a new account. Use the email & your exact name you have used in your GOPB profile.
  • Then you need to join our club “Greater OKC Pickleball Club (GOPB)” This is on the left of your DUPR profile. You can join as many clubs as you want and you may be members of other clubs already.
  • Support the Oklahoma Clubs!